20:00 < schultmc> *GAVEL* 20:00 < schultmc> [item 1, Opening] 20:00 < schultmc> Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest Board Meeting, which 20:00 < schultmc> is now called to order. Today's agenda can be found on the web at: 20:00 < schultmc> https://www.spi-inc.org/meetings/agendas/2022/2022-10-10/ 20:00 < schultmc> [item 2, Roll Call] 20:00 < schultmc> Directors, please state your name 20:00 < schultmc> Guests, please /msg your names to fsf if you wish your attendance to be 20:00 < fsf> Forrest Fleming 20:00 < schultmc> recorded in the minutes of this meeting. 20:00 < jconway> Joe Conway 20:00 < schultmc> . 20:00 < zumbi> H?ctor Or?n Mart?nez 20:00 < milan> Milan Kupcevic 20:00 < fungi> Jeremy Stanley 20:00 < schultmc> fsf, do we have any regrets? 20:00 < zv> Zach van Rijn 20:00 < schultmc> . 20:00 < schultmc> Michael Schultheiss 20:00 < fsf> Only a conditional regret from Joe, who was able to make it after all. So - no regrets 20:00 < jesusalva> Jonatas L. Nogueira 20:01 < schultmc> That's quorum - we can move on and others can join if available 20:01 < zumbi> Snow-Man: ping 20:01 < schultmc> [item 3, President's Report] 20:01 < schultmc> I've been working with the associated projects that recently held or will soon be hosting conferences and their hosting venues to get everything ready from SPI's side. 20:01 < schultmc> . 20:01 < schultmc> Continued thanks to SPI Vice President, Stephen Frost, for handling contracting 20:01 < schultmc> with SPI's contractors. Stephen continues to do a fantastic job working with our 20:01 < schultmc> contractors and legal counsel. 20:01 < schultmc> . 20:01 < schultmc> 20:01 < schultmc> . 20:01 < schultmc> [item 4, Treasurer's Report] 20:01 < schultmc> zumbi? 20:01 < zumbi> Payments are being processed. Last month statements have been checked ou 20:01 < zumbi> t and monthly reports should go out soon. 20:02 < schultmc> [item 5, Secretary's report] 20:02 < zumbi> I should have more time for SPI in the upcoming months. 20:02 < zumbi> . 20:02 < schultmc> fsf? 20:02 < fsf> Tim has passed ownership of the Apple developer organization to the President; all SPI users should now be unblocked. Please contact me (fsf) if there are any issues going forward. 20:02 < fsf> 20:02 < schultmc> [item 6, Outstanding minutes] 20:02 < schultmc> The minutes for the 2022-09-12 meeting need to be approved. 20:02 < schultmc> They are available at 20:02 < schultmc> https://www.spi-inc.org/meetings/minutes/2022/2022-09-12/ 20:02 < fsf> Voting started, 8 people (schultmc,zumbi,fsf,jconway,milan,jesusalva,fungi,zv) allowed to vote on Meeting minutes for Monday 12 September 2022. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 20:02 < schultmc> !vote yes 20:02 < zv> !vote yes 20:02 < jconway> !vote yes 20:02 < fsf> !vote yes 20:02 < zumbi> !vote abstain 20:03 < milan> !vote yes 20:03 < jesusalva> !vote yes 20:03 < fungi> !vote yes 20:03 < fsf> Current voting results for "Meeting minutes for Monday 12 September 2022": Yes: 7, No: 0, Abstain: 1, Missing: 0 () 20:03 < fsf> Voting for "Meeting minutes for Monday 12 September 2022" closed. 20:03 < schultmc> [item 7, Items up for discussion] 20:03 < schultmc> Nothing on the agenda 20:03 < schultmc> [item 8, Any other business] 20:03 < schultmc> Anything to discuss? 20:03 < zumbi> Nothing from me 20:03 < fungi> i have nothing 20:03 < fsf> I have nothing 20:03 < jconway> none here 20:03 < Snow-Man> Stephen Frost 20:03 < Snow-Man> (apologies for running a bit late) 20:04 < schultmc> Snow-Man: do you have anything to add? (re: VP report) 20:04 < zumbi> you are not that late, but meeting is fast today 20:04 < Snow-Man> Mostly just that our IT contractor will be working on the members system a lot more now that other things have cleared a bit 20:04 < fsf> Snow-Man: Would you like to have a vote recorded re: minutes for 2022-09-12 ? 20:04 < Snow-Man> fsf:sure, !vote yes 20:05 < fsf> Got it, thanks! 20:05 < schultmc> [item 9, Next board meeting] 20:05 < schultmc> The next board meeting is scheduled for: November 14, 2022 at 2000 UTC. 20:05 < schultmc> Any objections? 20:05 < fsf> None here 20:05 < zv> nope 20:05 < zumbi> Fine with me 20:05 < schultmc> works for me 20:05 < jconway> nope 20:05 < jesusalva> Nope 20:05 < fungi> sounds great 20:05 < Snow-Man> should work for me 20:05 < schultmc> *GAVEL*