20:00 < schultmc> *GAVEL* 20:00 < schultmc> . 20:00 < schultmc> [item 1, Opening] 20:00 < schultmc> Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest Board Meeting, which 20:00 < schultmc> is now called to order. Today's agenda can be found on the web at: 20:00 < schultmc> https://www.spi-inc.org/meetings/agendas/2023/2023-12-11/ 20:00 < schultmc> . 20:00 < schultmc> [item 2, Roll Call] 20:00 < schultmc> Directors, please state your name 20:00 < fungi> Jeremy Stanley 20:00 < schultmc> Guests, please /msg your names to zv if you wish your attendance to be 20:00 < jconway> Joe Conway 20:00 < schultmc> recorded in the minutes of this meeting. 20:00 < schultmc> . 20:00 < schultmc> zv, do we have any regrets? 20:00 < schultmc> . 20:00 < milan> Milan Kupcevic 20:00 < schultmc> Michael Schultheiss 20:01 < zumbi> Héctor Orón Martínez 20:01 -!- alex____ [~oftc-webi@c-76-138-79-46.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #spi 20:01 < schultmc> jesusalva: ping 20:01 < jesusalva> Jonatas L. Nogueira 20:01 < schultmc> zv: ping 20:01 < schultmc> That's quorum - we can continue, others can join as they're able 20:02 < alex____> Alex Fabijanic 20:02 < fsf> Forrest Fleming 20:02 < schultmc> alex____: please /msg zv 20:02 < schultmc> [item 3, President's Report] 20:02 < schultmc> Martin, Héctor and I worked with our auditor to get our 2022 20:02 < schultmc> financial statements audited. The 2022 audited financial statements 20:02 < schultmc> are available at https://www.spi-inc.org/treasurer/2022-financial-statements.pdf 20:02 < schultmc> We also with the auditing firm on filing our New York State and Federal annual filings. 20:02 < schultmc> The federal filing has been submitted and accepted and we are finalizing the filing 20:02 < schultmc> of the New York State 2022 filing. New York State informed us of a technical issue 20:02 < schultmc> with the filing of our 2021 New York State filing which has been successfully 20:02 < schultmc> resolved. 20:02 < schultmc> . 20:02 < schultmc> I am working with our broker at Merrill Lynch to establish the recommended 20:02 < schultmc> investment strategy we discussed at the last in person meeting. They drafted new 20:02 < schultmc> paperwork for myself and Stephen Frost to sign and we should have 20:02 < schultmc> that paperwork signed and submitted shortly. 20:02 < schultmc> . 20:02 < zv> hi 20:02 < schultmc> Thank you to SPI Director Jonatas L. Nogueira for helping track outstanding tasks. 20:02 < schultmc> . 20:03 < schultmc> Continued thanks to SPI Vice President, Stephen Frost, for handling contracting 20:03 < zv> Zach van Rijn 20:03 < schultmc> with SPI's contractors. Stephen continues to do a fantastic job working with our 20:03 < schultmc> contractors and legal counsel. 20:03 < schultmc> . 20:03 < schultmc> 20:03 < zv> schultmc: no regrets 20:03 < schultmc> iirc Snow-Man said last month he may be travelling today and thus was a tentative regret 20:03 < schultmc> regardless, 8/9 of us are here 20:04 < schultmc> [item 4, Treasurer's Report] 20:04 < schultmc> zumbi? 20:04 < schultmc> . 20:04 < zumbi> yep - allow me a minute 20:05 < zumbi> Payments are being processed, there has been a big backlog as few conferences have been asking for reimb 20:05 < zumbi> ursements. There are pending payments for BRL and INR, but it should be paid before end of year. 20:05 < zumbi> Treasurer reports have been out now, apologies for the delays, https://www.spi-inc.org/treasurer/reports/, big thanks to tbm. 20:05 < zumbi> SPI is setting up Debian reimbursement system and it should be usable (for test) starting next year. We' 20:05 < zumbi> ll keep you updated. 20:05 < zumbi> . 20:06 < schultmc> [item 5, Secretary's report] 20:06 < schultmc> zv? 20:06 < zv> If you receive an email from me about your Conflict of Interest form, 20:06 < zv> please address it as soon as possible. 20:06 < zv> . 20:06 < zv> I am hoping to have more clarity on a face-to-face meeting soon. 20:06 < zv> . 20:06 < zv> Please try to be concise when proposing items for the Agenda. 20:06 < zv> (done) 20:06 < schultmc> [item 6, Outstanding minutes] 20:06 < schultmc> The minutes for the 2023-11-13 meeting require approval. 20:06 < schultmc> They are available at https://www.spi-inc.org/meetings/minutes/2023/2023-11-13/ 20:07 < fsf> Voting started, 8 people (schultmc,fungi,jconway,zv,milan,jesusalva,fsf,zumbi) allowed to vote on Meeting minutes for Monday 13 November 2023. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 20:07 < schultmc> !abstain 20:07 < zv> !vote yes 20:07 < jconway> !vote yes 20:07 < zv> schultmc: need bang vote 20:07 < schultmc> !vote abstain 20:07 < milan> !vote yes 20:07 < fungi> !vote yes 20:07 < jesusalva> !vote yes 20:07 < fsf> !vote abstain 20:08 < fsf> Current voting results for "Meeting minutes for Monday 13 November 2023": Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 2, Missing: 1 ( zumbi ) 20:08 < fsf> Voting for "Meeting minutes for Monday 13 November 2023" closed. 20:08 < zumbi> !vote yes 20:08 < zv> I will amend that 20:08 < fsf> Thanks zumbi, sorry about that, I miscounted before closing 20:08 < schultmc> [item 7, Items up for discussion] 20:08 < schultmc> [item 7.1] SPI Administrative Overhead Fee Resolution 20:08 < schultmc> jesusalva? 20:08 < schultmc> . 20:09 < jesusalva> The copy of the resolution is on https://www.spi-inc.org/meetings/agendas/2023/2023-12-11/ and was forwarded to spi-projects list earlier. It pretty much sums up SPI current practices regarding the 5% fee SPI charges to projects. 20:09 < jesusalva> Thanks to tbm for helping in finding out SPI current practices to fill that one out 20:10 < schultmc> I'm glad to see our procedures being formalized 20:11 < jesusalva> Note: There are some controversial points being discussed in spi-general where the membership believes SPI can adopt better practices regarding how interest is handled. The resolution may reflect SPI current practices, but it is not to prevent SPI from changing them later. 20:12 < jesusalva> 20:12 * jesusalva meant done, but dine does make me hungry. 20:13 < fsf> Shall we vote, or is this simply a notification of a resolution for future vote? 20:13 < jesusalva> For vote 20:13 < jesusalva> The resolution is complete 20:14 < fsf> Voting started, 8 people (schultmc,fungi,jconway,zv,milan,jesusalva,fsf,zumbi) allowed to vote on Adopt SPI Administrative Overhead Fee Resolution. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 20:14 < schultmc> !vote yes 20:14 < fungi> !vote yes 20:14 < jesusalva> !vote yes 20:14 < milan> !vote yes 20:14 < fsf> !vote yes 20:14 * zumbi allow me to read resolution 20:14 < zv> !vote yes 20:14 < jconway> !vote yes 20:15 < zumbi> !vote yes 20:15 < fsf> Current voting results for "Adopt SPI Administrative Overhead Fee Resolution": Yes: 8, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 20:15 < fsf> Voting for "Adopt SPI Administrative Overhead Fee Resolution" closed. 20:16 < schultmc> [item 7.2] NTPSEC/ARDC refund of grants 20:16 < schultmc> jesusalva? 20:16 < schultmc> . 20:17 < jesusalva> MarkAtwood said it was fine to go ahead with the reimbursement, if you give me a couple minutes I can look the email to quote 20:17 < jesusalva> err refund * 20:17 < jesusalva> "Hello, people from ARDC and SPI: As the project manager of the NTPsec project, I agree, the money donated by ARDC to the NTPsec Project under the SPI should be returned to the ARDC." 20:18 < jesusalva> Therefore, given there are no longer any objections regarding SPI obligation to return the fund, we would like to proceed with the reimbursement. 20:18 < jesusalva> * refund 20:18 < jesusalva> 20:19 < schultmc> Glad to see agreement was reached on that. 20:19 < schultmc> [item 7.3] C++ Portable Components (POO) as an associated proejct 20:19 < schultmc> jesusalva? 20:19 < schultmc> . 20:19 < jesusalva> This one is fungi 20:19 < zv> POCO* 20:19 < schultmc> apologies for the confusion 20:19 < fungi> POCO is not currently a legal entity, but is comprised of many contributors, some volunteer and some employed by for-profit ecosystem companies which build commercial products based on or extending POCO. It has a Technical Steering Committee currently consisting of the two earliest contributors (one of whom, Aleksandar Fabijanic, has been identified as POCO's initial SPI liaison). 20:19 < fungi> Since 2004, the POCO project has developed open source (BOOST license) C++ based libraries for network programming, XML (and later JSON) processing, database access, and other solutions essential for modern applications. It is packaged and incorperated into popular GNU/Linux distributions, including those represented by SPI (Arch Linux and Debian). 20:19 < schultmc> sorry - i hand typed that :) 20:19 < fungi> The POCO Web site is at https://pocoproject.org/ and POCO contributors maintain Git repositories at https://github.com/pocoproject . 20:20 < fsf> The resolution is available at https://www.spi-inc.org/meetings/agendas/2023/2023-12-11/ 20:20 < fungi> thanks, was just typing that ;) 20:20 < fsf> Voting started, 8 people (schultmc,fungi,jconway,zv,milan,jesusalva,fsf,zumbi) allowed to vote on Accept C++ Portable Components (POCO) as an associated project. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 20:20 < zv> !vote yes 20:20 < schultmc> !vote yes 20:20 < fsf> !vote yes 20:20 < jesusalva> !vote yes 20:20 < jconway> !vote yes 20:20 < fungi> !vote yes 20:20 < milan> !vote yes 20:20 < zumbi> !vote yes 20:21 < fsf> Current voting results for "Accept C++ Portable Components (POCO) as an associated project": Yes: 8, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 20:21 < fsf> Voting for "Accept C++ Portable Components (POCO) as an associated project" closed. 20:21 < schultmc> [item 8, Any other business] 20:21 < schultmc> Anything to discuss? 20:21 < zumbi> F2F meeting 20:21 < zumbi> any progress? dates? 20:21 < zv> The important part we'd need to agree on is a country, first, since visas do complicate the situation. 20:22 * jesusalva suggests Portugal 20:22 < zumbi> Portugal or NYC could be 20:22 < fungi> nyc is a country now? i guess it might as well be ;) 20:22 < zumbi> NYC, USA :) 20:22 < jesusalva> I suggest portugal because all countries in https://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/board/ are in Schengen Zone free-entry list, so it does not require Visas. 20:23 < jesusalva> But if we need stuff signed by treasurer, NYC or Indianopolis were usually chosen 20:23 < jesusalva> (So the F2F could also get banks sorted out thus reducing SPI overall costs with travel expenses) 20:23 < zumbi> usually being at NYC is convenient if we need to do banking stuff... but I think we can move on without that, so Portugal could be an option 20:24 * fungi will rely on jesusalva for portuguese translations 20:24 < schultmc> we had an in person treasurer sprint in Indianapolis where we handled all signature needs. I'm not aware of any outstanding bank signatures needed 20:25 < zv> How about I take the action item here and send a list of possible cities, estimate their costs (travel + hotels + conference venue), and send to board@? 20:25 < jconway> +1 20:25 < schultmc> sounds like a plan 20:26 < zv> I want some help with drafting an agenda. 20:26 < jesusalva> LGTM 20:26 < jconway> approximate dates would help too 20:26 < zumbi> zv, in Portugal and NYC I can probably help to get free venue 20:26 < zumbi> dates would be helpful for me 20:27 < fsf> +1 zv 20:27 < zv> zumbi: thanks, maybe good to send me a list of cities that you think are worth looking into? 20:27 < zv> all: please send me any countries that you cannot get to 20:27 < zumbi> Lisbon and NYC 20:27 < zv> other than that I have nothing more on the subject. 20:28 < jesusalva> I have other stuff to ask but on this subject I also have nothing else to say 20:28 < zv> is there a hard budget that I should be considering? 20:28 < zv> can talk with Treasurer offline about that 20:28 < zumbi> should we invite contractors, like tbm? we are likely to hold treasurer sprint few days before F2F 20:29 < zv> seems reasonable to me 20:29 < jesusalva> ...Last I checked, we finally managed to "get out of" the deficit trend from the pandemic years, so I don't expect much issues budget-wise 20:29 < jesusalva> Still, check with zumbi on this 20:30 < zumbi> keeping reasonable prices for flights and hotels should be all fine 20:30 < jesusalva> As for contractors, I'm not sure as how many expenses we can pay for them ─ but given its nature I'm not expecting restrictions on this. 20:30 < zumbi> plus Q1 is usually cheaper than travelling in Q2-Q3 20:32 < zumbi> I think we can move on to the next topic - if any 20:32 < jesusalva> I have 20:32 < jesusalva> Question 1/3: Is SPI Board fine with making grants? Prior to this year we never made one before, but given we are receiving multiple requests for them and their risks are different from usual operations, I want to be sure everyone on board is OK with them. See also https://rt.spi-inc.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=7026 20:32 < jesusalva> I just want to make sure I won't put work on this and then find out we're not fine with grants :P 20:32 < jesusalva> As I'm not paid for the time I invest in SPI :P 20:33 < jesusalva> If no one has any objection on this, then my actual point was about OFTC, as said a couple hours before the meeting. 20:33 < zumbi> I am not a fan of grants, but it can be helpful to solve some urgent/extreme cases... so I'd not do them as normal operations, but something to consider (maybe vote for it) in special cases. 20:34 < zv> broadly I am not OK with grants except on case-by-case agreements 20:34 < zumbi> grants as in transferring funds to other organizations I was thinking... 20:34 < schultmc> I agree with zumbi. For special cases I'm fine with them but in general funds donated to SPI should be used for SPI rather than other organizations 20:36 < zumbi> re OFTC, what was the question? 20:37 < zv> 15:26 < jesusalva-bot> zumbi: Due to the change in the domain billing policy, OFTC balance went to the red. Should we add this to today's meeting other discussions? 20:37 < zv> 15:26 < tbm> I was going to email OFTC tomorrow 20:37 < jesusalva> OFTC is not under the Associated Project Framework ─ its resolution predates that and was never updated, see https://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/resolutions/2002/2002-07-02.iwj.5/ 20:38 < jesusalva> Due to exact wording, and also taking in account OFTC does not actively collect donations, I believe SPI should not charge the oftc.net domain. 20:38 < zumbi> I am fine SPI to cover OFTC expense... which is less than $100 20:38 < jesusalva> (And yes, that ^) 20:40 < zv> jesusalva: questions 2 and 3? 20:40 < jesusalva> That's question 2 20:40 < zv> ok, and 3? 20:40 < jesusalva> Although I guess it is kinda of a vote? 20:41 < jesusalva> Ah, about OpenVAS ─ they're still not in the red, but at current rate they'll get in the red in Q1/2024 20:41 < jesusalva> Would prefer to have tbm inform them now 20:41 < zumbi> +1 20:41 < schultmc> iirc OpenVAS disassociated years ago unless I'm misremembering 20:41 < jesusalva> schultmc: They did, in 2006 20:41 < jesusalva> And re-associated in 2007 20:41 < jesusalva> seven months later 20:42 < schultmc> ah 20:42 < jesusalva> Another reason why making sure to preempt them 20:42 < schultmc> IIRC Greenbone reabsorbed OpenVAS more recently but I may be misremembering 20:43 < schultmc> wouldn't hurt to reach out to them regardless 20:43 < jesusalva> Yeah, and if they no longer wish SPI association, it can also be resolved without SPI suffering any loss :) 20:43 < jesusalva> (...even if it would be a small one) 20:45 < schultmc> yes, I found an email from 2018 - I'll forward it to the board for review 20:45 < jesusalva> That would be all, I don't think 7026 can be resolved without a grant so I would also want to know with officers/board would be fine with this specific ticket, although, this probably should be discussed in the ticket itself? 20:46 < jesusalva> From my side, I have nothing else which I can remember 20:46 < schultmc> [item 9, Next board meeting] 20:46 < schultmc> The next board meeting is scheduled for: January 8, 2024 at 2000 UTC. 20:46 < schultmc> Any objections? 20:46 < zv> none 20:46 < schultmc> Works for me 20:46 < fungi> none for me 20:46 < jconway> wfm 20:47 < jesusalva> I don't know if it'll coincide with my travel but I don't expect a regret 20:47 < jesusalva> (i.e. I expect to be able to attend) 20:47 < zumbi> fine for me too 20:47 < milan> Will travel. 20:47 < schultmc> *GAVEL*