Resolution 2021-06-22.mcs.4: Adélie Linux as an Associated Project

This resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors of SPI at their meeting of June 22, 2021.


  1. Adélie Linux is a substantial and significant Free Software project. Adélie Linux aims to deliver a rock-solid Linux desktop experience to users who do not have access to hardware which is both low-cost and secure. They currently support open architectures (POWER) and are working on RISC-V and, soon, SPARC.

  2. The Adélie Linux developers would like SPI's support and assistance, including accepting donations and holding funds. They are also interested in SPI holding trademarks on behalf of Adélie Linux.


  1. Adélie Linux is formally invited to become an SPI Associated Project, according to the SPI Framework for Associated Projects, SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a copy of which can be found at

  2. Zach van Rijn is recognised by SPI as the authoritative decision maker and SPI liaison for Adélie Linux. Successors will be appointed by a blind vote of the Adélie Linux core team. Should there be a lack of agreement on a successor due to a tie, the current liaison will cast a vote to break the tie. Should the current liaison be unreachable to break the tie, the SPI board or a representative will break the tie in any manner they choose.

  3. If the last known SPI liaison for Adélie Linux is missing in action, and no new SPI liaison is appointed for two consecutive years the associated project is deemed defunct.

  4. In such a circumstance, the SPI Board will, in its good-faith discretion, proceed as follows: the Board will identify one or more other SPI associated projects or 501(c)(3) charities which can accept the project's assets and use them for a similar purpose, and transfer the assets to the identified destination or destinations as feasible. Assets for which no such transfer can be arranged within a reasonable time will become part of the SPI general fund.

  5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it is approved by the SPI Board.