Meeting agenda for Thursday 9th October, 2014

This is the proposed agenda for the SPI board meeting of Thursday, October 9th, 2014, to be held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on

  1. Opening
  2. Roll Call
  3. President's report (Bdale Garbee)
  4. Treasurer's report (Michael Schultheiss)
  5. Secretary's report (Martin Michlmayr)
  6. Outstanding minutes
    1. Thursday, 11th September 2014 (Martin Michlmayr)
  7. Items up for discussion
  8. Any other business
  9. Next board meeting: November 13th, 2014, 20:00 UTC

President's report


Treasurer's report

Note: The previous report submitted for April 2014 had several arithmetic
errors.  These errors have been corrected.

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period April 01, 2014 - April 30, 2014

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                              72.00
        aptosid                              6.67
        Arch Linux                         572.50
        DebConf 14                      27,000.00
        Debian                           6,552.04
        FFmpeg                           1,430.00                      5.00
        Gallery                             20.00                         10.00
        Jenkins                          3,057.00
        LibreOffice                        172.00
        MinGW                               21.00
        Open Bioinformatics Foundation   2,214.65
        OpenEmbedded                       200.00
        OpenWrt                             81.00
        PostgreSQL                         200.00
        Privoxy                             50.00
        SPI General                      2,826.41
        SPI 5%                             343.84

        Total Ordinary Income           44,834.11

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.68
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.12
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 31.88

        Total Interest Income               34.68

   Gross Income                         44,868.79

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees             1.78
          SPI 5%                      3.60

          Total 0 A.D. Exp            5.38

          Processing Fees             0.44
          SPI 5%                      0.33

          Total aptosid Exp           0.77

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            30.02
          SPI 5%                     28.63

          Total Arch Linux Exp       58.64

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Gnome Outreach Program
            for Women             7,949.50
          Processing Fees            65.75
          SPI 5%                     77.60

          Total Debian Exp        8,095.85

          Processing Fees            58.69
          SPI 5%                     71.50

          Total FFmpeg Exp          130.19
          Processing Fees             0.29
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total fd.o Exp              0.54

          Processing Fees             0.80
          SPI 5%                      1.00

          Total Gallery Exp           1.80

          Hosting Fees              165.04
          Processing Fees             0.75
          SPI 5%                      0.50

          Total Haskell Exp         166.29

          Processing Fees           124.12
          SPI 5%                    152.85
          SSL Certificates          125.99
          Stickers                  558.00

          Total Jenkins Exp         960.96

          Processing Fees             7.06
          SPI 5%                      8.60
          Travel Reimbursement    2,161.20

          Total LibreOffice Exp   2,176.86

          Processing Fees             1.26
          SPI 5%                      1.05

          Total MinGW Exp             2.31

          Processing Fees             8.35
          SPI 5%                     10.00

          Total OpenEmbedded Exp     18.35

          Processing Fees             4.01
          SPI 5%                      4.05

          Total OpenWrt Exp           8.06

          Processing Fees             3.59
          SPI 5%                     10.00

          Total PostgreSQL Exp       13.59

          Processing Fees             2.35
          SPI 5%                      2.50
      Travel Reimbursement      196.95

          Total Privoxy Exp         201.80

          Bookkeeping Fee           480.00
          Office Supplies            10.68
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Postage                     1.15
          Transaction Fees           35.86

          Total SPI Exp             557.64

        Total Expenses           12,399.03

        Net Income               32,469.76

Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2014

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      17,087.24
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         259,234.17
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,018.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     210,970.62
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,829.46
        Key Express Checking                               5,475.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    236.00

     Total Current Assets                                670,258.09

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          670,258.09


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    34,235.38
           aptosid Earmark                      204.66
           Arch Linux Earmark                14,334.39
           Debian Earmark                   191,436.61
           DebConf 14 Earmark                53,090.16
           Drizzle                            6,333.99
           FFmpeg                             4,280.81
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           16,806.70
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,442.67
           Gallery Earmark                    8,289.20
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  323.54
           Haskell Earmark                   25,790.82
           Jenkins Earmark                   13,170.46
           LibreOffice Earmark               75,948.03
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      1,329.40
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,405.64
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       40,733.63
           Open Embedded                        181.65
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                18.60
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                44,263.76
           Privoxy Earmark                      859.07
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark   2,328.05
           The HeliOS Project Earmark           372.68
           TideSDK Earmark                      559.18
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,663.42

        Total held in trust                              595,698.90

        General reserves                                  74,559.19

     Total Equity                                        670,258.09

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            670,258.09
Note: The previously submitted report for May 2014 included several arithmetic
errors which have since been corrected

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period May 01, 2014 - May 31, 2014

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                             166.00
        aptosid                              6.67
        Arch Linux                         545.00
        DebConf 14                      33,500.00
        Debian                           1,308.33
        FFmpeg                              95.00
        Jenkins                             45.00
        LibreOffice                        165.00
        MinGW                              205.00
        PostgreSQL                          75.00
        SPI General                        581.04
        SPI 5%                             141.77
        The HeliOS Project                 223.36
        YafaRay                              1.00

        Total Ordinary Income           37,058.17

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.76
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.21
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 31.89

        Total Interest Income               34.86

   Gross Income                         37,093.03

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees             7.19
          SPI 5%                      8.30

          Total 0 A.D. Exp           15.49

          Processing Fees             0.44
          SPI 5%                      0.33

          Total aptosid Exp           0.77

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            26.07
          SPI 5%                     27.25

          Total Arch Linux Exp       53.32

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Processing Fees            56.17
          SPI 5%                     65.42

          Total Debian Exp          124.59

        DebConf 14
          Processing Fees            25.00

          Total DC14 Exp             25.00

          Processing Fees             5.20
          SPI 5%                      4.75

          Total FFmpeg Exp            9.95

          Hosting Fees              165.56

          Total Haskell Exp         165.56

          Processing Fees             2.27
          SPI 5%                      2.25

          Total Jenkins Exp           4.52

          Processing Fees             2.31
          SPI 5%                      8.25
          Travel Reimbursement    7,588.07

          Total LibreOffice Exp   7,598.63

          Processing Fees             9.25
          SPI 5%                     10.25

          Total MinGW Exp            19.50

        Open Bioinformatics Foundation
          Hosting Fees (reissued) 2,214.65

          Total OpenBio Exp       2,214.65

          Processing Fees             2.55
          SPI 5%                      3.75

          Total PostgreSQL Exp        6.30

          Expense Reimbursement     694.10
          Travel Reimbursement       97.26

          Total Privoxy Exp         791.36

          Bookkeeping Fee           480.00
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees           40.10

          Total SPI Exp             550.05

        The HeliOS Project
          Processing Fees             1.35
          SPI 5%                     11.17

          Total HeliOS Exp           12.52

          Processing Fees             0.39
          SPI 5%                      0.05

          Total YafaRay Exp           0.44

        Total Expenses           11,592.65

        Net Income               25,500.38

Balance Sheet as of May 31, 2014

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      26,845.19
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         259,266.06
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,013.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     232,800.97
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,832.22
        Key Express Checking                               5,468.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    233.00

     Total Current Assets                                701,866.04

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          701,866.04


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    34,385.89
           aptosid Earmark                      210.56
           Arch Linux Earmark                14,826.07
           Debian Earmark                   192,620.35
           DebConf 14 Earmark                86,565.16
           Drizzle                            6,333.99
           FFmpeg                             4,365.86
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           16,806.70
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,442.67
           Gallery Earmark                    8,289.20
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  323.54
           Haskell Earmark                   25,625.26
           Jenkins Earmark                   13,210.94
           LibreOffice Earmark               68,514.40
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      1,514.90
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,405.64
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       38,518.98
           Open Embedded                        181.65
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                18.60
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                44,332.46
           Privoxy Earmark                       67.71
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark   2,328.05
           The HeliOS Project Earmark           583.52
           TideSDK Earmark                      559.18
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,663.98

        Total held in trust                              620,991.66

        General reserves                                  80,874.38

     Total Equity                                        701,866.04

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            701,866.04
Note: The previously submitted report for June 2014 included arithmetic
errors which have since been corrected.

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period June 01, 2014 - June 30, 2014

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                             177.00
        aptosid                              6.67
        Arch Linux                         460.64
        DebConf 14                      31,905.00
        Debian                           1,113.33
        FFmpeg                              83.00                     34.00
        FreedomBox                          10.00
        Jenkins                          1,500.00
        LibreOffice                         40.00
        MinGW                               10.00
        OpenWrt                             35.00
        PostgreSQL                         110.00
        SPI General                        106.87
        SPI 5%                             229.03
        The HeliOS Project               1,000.00
        TideSDK                              1.00

        Total Ordinary Income           36,821.54

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.68
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.24
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 32.95

        Total Interest Income               35.87

   Gross Income                         36,857.41

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees             9.66
          SPI 5%                      8.85

          Total 0 A.D. Exp           18.51

          Processing Fees             0.44
          SPI 5%                      0.33

          Total aptosid Exp           0.77

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            23.37
          SPI 5%                     23.03

          Total Arch Linux Exp       46.40

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Processing Fees            51.93
          SPI 5%                     55.67

          Total Debian Exp          110.59

        DebConf 14
          DayTrip Deposit            58.00
          Day Trip                1,375.50
          Processing Fees            98.04

          Total DC14 Exp          1,531.54

          Processing Fees             4.15
          SPI 5%                      4.15

          Total FFmpeg Exp            8.30
         Processing Fees              1.49
         SPI 5%                       1.70

         Total fd.o Exp               3.19

         Processing Fees              0.58
         SPI 5%                       0.50

         Total FreedomBox Exp         1.08

          Hosting Fees              163.08

          Total Haskell Exp         163.08

          Processing Fees            60.35
          SPI 5%                     75.00

          Total Jenkins Exp         135.35

          Processing Fees             2.26
          SPI 5%                      2.00
          Travel Reimbursement    7,090.09

          Total LibreOffice Exp   7,094.35

          Processing Fees             0.75
          SPI 5%                      0.50

          Total MinGW Exp             1.25

          Processing Fees             2.10
          SPI 5%                      1.75

          Total OpenWrt Exp           3.85

          Processing Fees             3.13
          SPI 5%                      5.50

          Total PostgreSQL Exp        8.64

          Bookkeeping Fee           480.00
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees           65.19

          Total SPI Exp             575.14

        The HeliOS Project
          SPI 5%                     50.00

          Total HeliOS Exp           50.00

          Processing Fees             0.37
          SPI 5%                      0.05

          Total TideSDK Exp           0.42

        Total Expenses            9,752.46

        Net Income               27,104.95

Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2014

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      31,035.26
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         259,299.01
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,008.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     255,894.25
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,834.90
        Key Express Checking                               5,421.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    230.00

     Total Current Assets                                729,130.02

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          729,130.02


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    34,544.38
           aptosid Earmark                      216.46
           Arch Linux Earmark                15,240.31
           Debian Earmark                   193,623.09
           DebConf 14 Earmark               116,938.62
           Drizzle                            6,333.99
           FFmpeg                             4,440.56
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           16,837.51
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,451.59
           Gallery Earmark                    8,289.20
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  323.54
           Haskell Earmark                   25,462.18
           Jenkins Earmark                   14,575.59
           LibreOffice Earmark               61,460.05
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      1,523.65
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,436.79
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       38,518.98
           Open Embedded                        181.65
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                18.60
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                44,433.82
           Privoxy Earmark                       67.71
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark   2,328.05
           The HeliOS Project Earmark         1,533.52
           TideSDK Earmark                      559.76
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,663.98

        Total held in trust                              648,299.98

        General reserves                                  80,830.04

     Total Equity                                        729,130.02

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            729,130.02
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period July 01, 2014 - July 31, 2014

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                              60.00
        aptosid                              6.67
        Arch Linux                         611.00
        DebConf 14                      10,920.00
        Debian                           4,195.06
        FFmpeg                           3,845.00
        FFmpeg (OPW)                        10.00                      5.00
        Jenkins                            790.00
        LibreOffice                     25,275.00
        MinGW                                5.00
        Open Bioinformatics Foundation   5,000.00
        OpenWrt                              4.02
        PostgreSQL                          45.00
        SPI General                        719.34
        SPI 5%                              91.12

        Total Ordinary Income           51,582.21

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.77
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.12
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 35.42

        Total Interest Income               38.31

   Gross Income                         51,620.52

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees             3.05
          SPI 5%                      2.50

          Total 0 A.D. Exp            5.55

          Processing Fees             0.62
          SPI 5%                      0.33

          Total aptosid Exp           0.95

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            29.64
          SPI 5%                     30.55

          Total Arch Linux Exp       60.19

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Domain registration        61.68
          Hardware warranty         734.40
          Processing Fees           116.52
          SPI 5%                    209.75

          Total Debian Exp        1,125.35

        DebConf 14
          Postage                     5.60
          Processing Fees           108.80
          Reception               5,300.00
          T-shirts                1,725.02

          Total DC14 Exp          7,139.42

          Processing Fees           156.95
          SPI 5%                    192.25

          Total FFmpeg Exp          349.20

       FFmpeg (OPW)
         Processing Fees              0.75
         SPI 5%                       0.50

         Total FFmpeg (OPW) Exp       1.25
         NPES membership            250.00
         PDF Association membership 327.82
         Processing Fees              0.55
         SPI 5%                       0.25

         Total fd.o Exp             578.62

          Hosting Fees              163.26

          Total Haskell Exp         163.26

          Processing Fees            32.30
          SPI 5%                     39.50

          Total Jenkins Exp          71.80

          Processing Fees            10.40
          SPI 5%                     13.75
          Travel Reimbursement    2,385.88

          Total LibreOffice Exp   2,410.03

          Processing Fees             0.55
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total MinGW Exp             0.80

          Processing Fees             0.51
          SPI 5%                      0.20

          Total OpenWrt Exp           0.71

          Poster Art                300.00
          Processing Fees             2.15
          SPI 5%                      2.25

          Total PostgreSQL Exp      304.40

          Bookkeeping Fee           620.00
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees          109.94

          Total SPI Exp             759.89

        Total Expenses           12,971.42

        Net Income               38,649.10

Balance Sheet as of July 31, 2014

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      11,816.59
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         284,414.69
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,003.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     290,046.46
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,837.67
        Key Express Checking                               5,414.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    227.00

     Total Current Assets                                769,167.01

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          769,167.01


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    34,598.83
           aptosid Earmark                      222.18
           Arch Linux Earmark                15,791.12
           Debian Earmark                   196,692.80
           DebConf 14 Earmark               120,719.20
           Drizzle                            6,333.99
           FFmpeg                             7,936.36
           FFmpeg (OPW)                           8.75
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           16,263.89
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,451.59
           Gallery Earmark                    8,289.20
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  323.54
           Haskell Earmark                   25,298.92
           Jenkins Earmark                   15,293.79
           LibreOffice Earmark               83,325.02
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      1,527.85
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,440.10
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       43,518.98
           Open Embedded                        181.65
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                18.60
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                44,174.42
           Privoxy Earmark                       67.71
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark   2,328.05
           The HeliOS Project Earmark         1,533.52
           TideSDK Earmark                      559.76
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,663.98

        Total held in trust                              686,860.20

        General reserves                                  82,306.81

     Total Equity                                        769,167.01

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            769,167.01
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period August 01, 2014 - August 31, 2014

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                             250.00
        aptosid                              6.67
        Arch Linux                         547.00
        DebConf 14                       6,900.00
        Debian                           1,293.33
        FFmpeg                           1,134.00
        FFmpeg (OPW)                       115.00
        Jenkins                          3,200.00
        LibreOffice                         60.00
        MinGW                            2,000.00
        OpenWrt                              7.00
        PostgreSQL                          20.00
        SPI General                        392.26
        SPI 5%                             431.65

        Total Ordinary Income           16,356.91

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.76
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 31.23

        Total Interest Income               33.99

   Gross Income                         16,390.90

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees            12.80
          SPI 5%                     12.50

          Total 0 A.D. Exp           25.30

          Processing Fees             0.62
          SPI 5%                      0.33

          Total aptosid Exp           0.95

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            25.73
          SPI 5%                     27.35

          Total Arch Linux Exp       53.98

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Hardware (UK)           1,981.67
          Processing Fees            50.25
          SPI 5%                     64.67
          Travel Reimbursement    3,944.00
           (DC14 GSoC)
          Total Debian Exp        6,043.59

        DebConf 14
          Conference Bags         1,059.75
          Day Trip                2,980.75
          Expense Reimbursement   3,721.36
          Postage                     5.80
          Processing Fees           170.05
          Reception (deposit)     5,300.00
          Reception (balance)     4,321.60
          T-shirts                1,120.81
          Travel Reimbursement    1,681.00

          Total DC14 Exp         20,361.12

          Processing Fees            46.76
          SPI 5%                     56.70

          Total FFmpeg Exp          103.46

       FFmpeg (OPW)
         Processing Fees              5.65
         SPI 5%                       5.75

         Total FFmpeg (OPW) Exp      11.40

          Hosting Fees              160.40

          Total Haskell Exp         160.40

          Processing Fees           129.05
          SPI 5%                    160.00

          Total Jenkins Exp         289.05

          Processing Fees             3.10
          SPI 5%                      3.00
          Travel Reimbursement    3,061.81

          Total LibreOffice Exp   3,067.91

          Processing Fees            80.70
          SPI 5%                    100.00

          Total MinGW Exp           180.70

          Processing Fees             0.98
          SPI 5%                      0.35
          Trademark Registration    275.00

          Total OpenWrt Exp         276.33

          Processing Fees             1.15
          SPI 5%                      1.00

          Total PostgreSQL Exp        2.15

          Bookkeeping Fee           480.00
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees          146.67

          Total SPI Exp             656.62

        Total Expenses           31,232.96

        Net Income              (14,842.06)

Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2014

     Current Assets
        Chase Performance Business Checking               95,816.46
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         205,445.92
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                      998.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     274,730.35
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,840.43
        Key Express Checking                               5,407.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    224.00

     Total Current Assets                                758,869.76

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          758,869.76


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    34,823.53
           aptosid Earmark                      227.90
           Arch Linux Earmark                16,284.14
           Debian Earmark                   191,942.54
           DebConf 14 Earmark               107,258.08
           Drizzle                            6,333.99
           FFmpeg                             8,966.90
           FFmpeg (OPW)                         112.35
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           16,263.89
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,451.59
           Gallery Earmark                    8,289.20
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  323.54
           Haskell Earmark                   25,138.52
           Jenkins Earmark                   18,204.74
           LibreOffice Earmark               81,317.11
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      3,347.15
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,170.77
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       43,518.98
           Open Embedded                        181.65
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                18.60
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                44,192.27
           Privoxy Earmark                       67.71
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark   2,328.05
           The HeliOS Project Earmark         1,533.52
           TideSDK Earmark                      559.76
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,663.98

        Total held in trust                              671,816.86

        General reserves                                  87,052.90

     Total Equity                                        758,869.76

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            758,869.76
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period September 01, 2014 - September 30, 2014

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                             140.00
        aptosid                              6.67
        Arch Linux                         394.00
        DebConf 14                      19,329.00
        Debian                           2,386.30
        FFmpeg                           1,560.00
        FFmpeg (OPW)                        25.00                    106.00
        FreedomBox Foundation               25.00                        500.00
        Jenkins                          2,770.00
        LibreOffice                        161.00
        MinGW                               15.00
        OpenWrt                              2.00
        PostgreSQL                         105.00
        Privoxy                              5.00
        SPI General                        501.25
        SPI 5%                             418.35
        The HeliOS Project                 166.12

        Total Ordinary Income           28,615.69

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.68
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 26.95

        Total Interest Income               29.63

   Gross Income                         28,645.32

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees             6.45
          SPI 5%                      7.00

          Total 0 A.D. Exp           13.45

          Processing Fees             0.62
          SPI 5%                      0.33

          Total aptosid Exp           0.95

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            21.71
          SPI 5%                     19.70

          Total Arch Linux Exp       41.41

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Processing Fees            66.65
          SPI 5%                    119.32
          Travel Reimbursement    4,860.98
           (DC14 GSoC)
          Total Debian Exp        5,049.95

        DebConf 14
          Badge materials           208.50
          Expense Reimbursement   3,721.36
          Lanyards                  826.21
          Network expenses          460.69
          Processing Fees           170.05
          Stickers                   69.00
          Transfer to eV    6,500.00
          Travel Reimbursement   19,041.26
          Travel/Video            2,521.42
          Water Bottles              30.29

          Total DC14 Exp         33,548.78

          Processing Fees            63.80
          SPI 5%                     78.00

          Total FFmpeg Exp          141.80

       FFmpeg (OPW)
         Processing Fees              1.35
         SPI 5%                       1.25

         Total FFmpeg (OPW) Exp       2.60
          Processing Fees             5.29
          SPI 5%                      5.30

          Total fd.o Exp             10.59

        FreedomBox Foundation
          Processing Fees             1.70
          SPI 5%                      1.25

          Total FreedomBox Exp        2.95

          Hosting Fees              157.24
          SPI 5%                     25.00

          Total Haskell Exp         182.24

          Processing Fees           112.20
          SPI 5%                    138.50

          Total Jenkins Exp         250.70

          Donation to SFC           200.00
          Processing Fees             8.14
          SPI 5%                      8.05
          Travel Reimbursement   13,664.96

          Total LibreOffice Exp  13,881.15

          Processing Fees             1.65
          SPI 5%                      0.75

          Total MinGW Exp             2.40

          Processing Fees             0.43
          SPI 5%                      0.10

          Total OpenWrt Exp           0.53

          Processing Fees             3.15
          SPI 5%                      5.25

          Total PostgreSQL Exp        8.40

          Processing Fees             0.55
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total Privoxy Exp           0.80

          Bookkeeping Fee           480.00
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Registered Agent Fee      402.00
          Transaction Fees           76.02

          Total SPI Exp             987.97

        The HeliOS Project
          Processing Fees             4.35
          SPI 5%                      8.31

          Total HeliOS Exp           12.66

        Total Expenses           54,139.33

        Net Income              (25,494.01)

Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2014

     Current Assets
        Chase Performance Business Checking              100,739.17
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         205,472.87
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                      993.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     246,034.86
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,843.11
        Key Express Checking                               5,400.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    221.00

     Total Current Assets                                735,111.61

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          735,111.61


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    34,823.53
           aptosid Earmark                      227.90
           Arch Linux Earmark                16,284.14
           Debian Earmark                   191,942.54
           DebConf 14 Earmark               107,258.08
           Drizzle                            6,333.99
           FFmpeg                             8,966.90
           FFmpeg (OPW)                         112.35
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           16,263.89
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,451.59
           Gallery Earmark                    8,289.20
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  323.54
           Haskell Earmark                   25,138.52
           Jenkins Earmark                   18,204.74
           LibreOffice Earmark               81,317.11
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      3,347.15
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,170.77
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       43,518.98
           Open Embedded                        181.65
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                18.60
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                44,192.27
           Privoxy Earmark                       67.71
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark   2,328.05
           The HeliOS Project Earmark         1,533.52
           TideSDK Earmark                      559.76
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,663.98

        Total held in trust                              646,361.59

        General reserves                                  88,750.02

     Total Equity                                        735,111.61

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            735,111.61