Board meeting, February 1st, 2005


  • Benj. Mako Hill (mako) (Vice President)
  • Branden Robinson (Overfiend)
  • David Graham (cdlu) (Secretary)
  • Ian Jackson (IanJackson)
  • Jimmy Kaplowitz (Hydroxide) (Treasurer)
  • John Goerzen (CosmicRay) (President)
  • Martin Schulze (Joey-)


  • Bdale Garbee

Absent with regrets:

  • Bruce Perens

Invitees present:

  • Michael Schultheiss (schultmc)


  1. Opening
  2. Roll call
  3. President's update (John Goerzen)
  4. Treasurer's report (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
  5. Outstanding minutes (David Graham)
  6. Next meeting

Recorder: David Graham (Secretary)

The following minutes were adopted by the Board of Directors at its March 1st, 2005 meeting.

Minutes for the February 1st, 2005 Board meeting, held at 19:00 UTC in #spi on

President's update (John Goerzen)

Nothing to report that will not be discussed under other items.

Treasurer's report (Jimmy Kaplowitz)

See appendix C for the text of the report.

The treasurer's report was accepted, as delivered, with the following results:

Ian Jackson Yes
Jimmy Kaplowitz Abstain
Benj. Mako Hill Yes
Branden Robinson Yes
David Graham Yes
Martin Schulze Yes
John Goerzen Yes

Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 1.

Outstanding minutes (David Graham)

December 7th, 2004

David Graham Yes
Branden Robinson Yes
Benj. Mako Hill Yes
John Goerzen Yes
Jimmy Kaplowitz Yes
Ian Jackson Yes
Martin Schulze Yes

The minutes for December 7th, 2004, were approved by a vote of:

Yes: 7, No: 0, Abstain: 0.

January 4th, 2005

Deferred to March 1st.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 1st, 2005 at 19:00 UTC.

The meeting closes at 19:15 UTC.

Appendix A: Current Board Membership

Date electedName Role
[2003-03-11]John Goerzen President
[2003-03-11]Benjamin Mako HillVice President
[2003-11-29]David Graham Secretary
[2004-02-20]Jimmy Kaplowitz Treasurer
[2004-07-29]Bdale Garbee  
[2004-07-29]Branden Robinson  
[2003-11-29]Ian Jackson  
[2003-03-11]Bruce Perens  
[2003-11-29]Martin "Joey" Schulze  

Appendix B: Approved Resolutions

Appendix C: Treasurers' Report

February 2004 Treasurer's Report

Software in the Public Interest Financial Data

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting,
recording donations when deposited (not when the check was
written or received by us) and recording expenses when paid
(not when incurred). Network for Good processing fees are
listed as negative income; the expense category does not
include those because they are subtracted from donations
before we receive them.

Profit/Loss Jan 1 2005 - Jan 31 2005

   Ordinary Income/Expense
          Debian                                     545.00
          GNOME                                       20.00
          Unrestricted                               300.00
          Network for Good Processing Fees            (6.00)
        Total Donations                              859.00

        Dividend Income
          AmEx Cash Mgmt Acct                      X,XXX.XX*
        Total Dividend Income                      X,XXX.XX*

      Total Income                                   859.00*

      Total Expense                                    0.00

   Net Ordinary Income                               859.00*

   Net Income                                        859.00*

Balance Sheet as of Jan 31, 2005

     Current Assets
        FirstIB Checking                          11,536.01
        AmEx Cash Mgmt Acct                       39,672.57*

     Total Current Assets                         51,208.58*

   TOTAL ASSETS                                   51,208.58*

        Retained Earnings                         50,349.58
        Net Income                                   859.00*
     Total Equity                                 51,208.58*

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     51,208.58*

Lines marked with a * need to be adjusted to take into
account the January dividend payment into the American
Express Financial Advisors Cash Management account
(abbreviated AmEx Cash Mgmt Acct above), for which no
statement has yet been issued. We are working on
setting up online access to the account, which will
eliminate this difficulty for months after it is set up.

Instead of delaying this report further, the missing
dividend income from January will be included in the report
for February 2005 and will be noted as having occurred in

- - Jimmy Kaplowitz, SPI Treasurer

Appendix D: Meeting Log

For the meeting log, please see the original minutes in the mailing list archive.